
The Video Network

Project Lead -- TeleMonster

Brief Overview

The video network will be a system by which a repository of video is availible at selected playback nodes at the conference. In addition to the archive of content stored on a central file server, capture nodes will be located at the video switchers used for recording conferences. The capture nodes will add the content from the conference in real time to the network. At this point, there is a fairly large amount of data that will be availible, and some possible contributions at the con.

I have planned for playback nodes at each video projector (two on the top floor in the main and secondary conference room, and one in the movie room). In addition two systems that each support 3 user terminals ( TV + terminal for content viewing) will be there in the public space on 2. The content includes computer, telephone, and hack/phreak related material. There will be something for everyone.

HardwareDetails SoftwareDetails WhatImBringing NeededEquipment ExtendedCapabilities VideoContent


VideoNetworkProgressLog -- My notes and updates about progress and getting my stuff together

I have 4 dumb terminals and 2 "notebook" terminals for the Penntop and Southtop, and a Compaq Portable III.

Still need TVs!!!!! I have a Commie 1084 monitor I can bring, and a small 13" Admiral TV + RF Mod I can bring. My PVM-2530 is broken (needs Xray protection module). Someone had mentioned a projector for 2nd floor display of 18th floor speaker. I'm going to pack an extra client node just in case, hopefully someone on 2 will have a LCD projector they will be willing to share to show the 18th or such.

I will be driving from Virginia Beach with Misfit on Wednesday morning, and Patrik will join up Wed eve @ Hotel Penn. We will unload our stuff Wed and be ready Thur morning.